Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Blogs

From here on out, we will mainly be posting on our Tumblr page. If you have a tumblr page, please head on over to our page and follow us!



Saturday, January 31, 2009

Feb. 13th w/ Dizzy Balloon


Thursday, January 22, 2009


So without getting all crazy and detailed, here are some updates in Picture Atlantic news:

-We will be going on tour starting Feb. 23rd, and ending on March 24th. This tour will take us to SXSW 2009, and will be sponsored by and We will be touring with Monarch, Queens Club, Chandeliers, and Students. Please take a moment to check them out online.
-We are getting a new van very soon.
-Our old van exploded
-We have a handful of new 'show-worthy' material, which we are randomly playing playing.

Those are the things worth mentioning.
Check our myspace out for upcoming shows in your local area!


P.S. Here is a video of whats really been going on behind the scenes

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jan. 16th! - Hometown Comeback show!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

How does the sun set?

Its been a while hasn't it?
Well, I'm glad to say that we shall be posting as much as needed from now on, but definitely more frequently.
So lets go over the news, here and there.

The month of Nov is shortly coming to an end, and we have one mighty and gigantic show at the end of the month.The flier is below. This will be our last show in the Bay area for this year. No worries on our lovely silicon valley, we will be back as soon as we can be, next year, 2009. December though, is mighty busy for you out of town folks....or I should say, people that are out of town to us.

There is also an interview and live performance we did with San Jose State's very own 90.5 FM. On the 'Podcast' there is a live performance of Clytaemnestra/Cassandra Castaway and Wrapped Up. Follow this link, but be warned, you might have to listen to the actual show, and lots of brutal metal:

So, thats about it for now. Any specific info will be held on our myspace, so don't be shy about checking that out.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Farewell

I got some shocking news recently.

The City of San Jose has shut down all show activity at San Jose Skate.

I'm not sure why exactly, and I'm sure though, that the reasoning behind it has to be political in nature, and probably not thought out very well by the city. The City, as of late, has strict to an insane degree towards shows and promoters, and it was a matter of time before something like this happened.

Its sad though, really.

We are playing the Last SJ Skate Show Ever on November 7th. It will be held at San Jose Skate, and will be all ages.

We'd love to have you out. Really, it would be worth your time to share the last event there, and have some fun with us! This will be our last SJ show for...well..who knows how long. Definitely not till next year...and even then, thats a guess.

Check the info our at our myspace. Thanks so much!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Big Sorry

So, unfortunately, our show at the PAC Art Gallery that was meant to happen with The Sound of Orange was cancelled last minute. Apperantly, a mix up with the promoter and the PAC Art people meant that the venue had no idea we were playing at all, and the cops were called. Bummer.
But, for those that stuck around, we were able to sneak in a tiny, teeny, acoustic set , un-miced on the stairs next to the Gallery.

Thank you to those of you who came out and who helped set it up. If you missed us, and still want to see us, but electric, on the 10th, we'll be playing San Jose Skate with the Ataris.

Thanks my friends!
